Art tip: Recognize what’s working, and what’s not
The pursuit of art, especially in this day of social media and wide feedback from followers, can be a roller coaster. Sometimes the feedback we get is frustrating. But with feedback comes opportunity. Instead of being discouraged by it, let’s set aside any objection we may feel about criticism and look for any nuggets we can use.
This article on “Why people like your doodles better than your finished works” is an excellent example of taking a piece of criticism and learning from it.
Weird crossovers: #DnD hamburgers and culinary horror art
The weirdness of the Internet, served fresh today. Monsters on a platter and chaotic good hamburgers.
Good art or bad art? It depends on where you’re standing
Does art require a certain perspective to be appreciated?
How do Miyazaki films capture the essence of humanity?
Hayao Miyazaki is the creator of some of my earliest experiences with Japanese manga and anime. I believe Totoro was the first anime I ever saw, back when I was going to collegeĀ in the Bay Area. I met a girl at a bus stop and we started talking about the stories we loved. Next thing […]
David Mack on art, creativity and how long it takes
Speaking of David Mack (and don’t bother telling me you weren’t, because the point is that I’m speaking of him and you’re gonna love this), I made this thing a while back based on a fantastic piece of advice he’d given some art students. If you’re an artist, a writer, any kind of creative, this […]